Friday, June 08, 2007

Standing in the parade square in daze early in the morning on Thursday. Missed the previous day's parade rehearsal becasue of the graduation route march the previous day. Enduring the pain on my shin due to the casual jog with OC on Tuesday afternoon and 8km graduation march on Wednesday. Going through the last few times of rehearsal before the actual thing starts. Till now, I'm still not sure how i got injured. Lots of things been going through my mind for the past weeks. What am I suppose to do after I'm back to my own unit? Do I feel sad or happy for going back soon? Can I cope with the culture shock again? Lots and lots of questions been going through my mind.
When I first came to P.Tekong, I've got the biggest culture shock of my life. Everything is so different. The way people do things The different roles & responsibilites I'm taking. After all from the time I signed the contract till now. I knew I'm bound to the responsibilities of a Men. A person who follows instructions & nothing else. But things in P.Tekong is different. I'm a leader, an instructor, a mentor to those boys converting to soldiers. I cannot say I did well, but at least I did my best. Now, I've got to change my mindset back. Cause I'm returning back to my unit soon.
The moment the parade starts, my heart's thumping hard, as I'm going to take an award that I didn't ever imagine. I've always thought that an award for commanders are out of reach for people like me. I'm not a specialist (3rd seargent & above), I'm just a Corporal. Taking the award might not mean much for the others. But it really mean alot to me. It's a recognition i could say. The only Corporal taking the Company Best Commander award for this cohort.
Lastly, I really got to thanks my OC & whoever nominated me for giving me this chance. Thanks & I miss you all...