"Some things are best not known. Some things are best not told. Some things are best not done. And some things are best not to happen. It will only leave you with regrets."
I have too many regrets. Just because I knew too much. Sometimes I feel that ignorant is happiness.
戴着面具的日子很不好受. 假装无知的日子更不好受.
越是不想要受伤, 越是觉得困难.
我累了. 不想烦恼那么多. 世间烦恼何时了?
" 情难了. 爱难断. 情爱二字难取舍. "
I'm not in the right mood for relationships for now or in the near future. Even though sometimes I'm tempted to go into one. I've not find the right girl & I do not wish that the right girl will appear now. Because I'm in no position to start a relationship. I must get myself into the right mindset before I can even think of one. What I am right now is not worthy of any girl. I'm damn serious. 我什么人都配不上. I don't wanna think so much. 就让一切顺其自然...
Biggest regret...
These few days, I dreamt of my father again. I miss him so much. In my dreams, he's still alive. Still the same old him caring for the family, caring for me. I miss him.
" 父健在, 不珍惜. 父不在, 才後悔. "
"父恩難忘, 父情難了. 父親教導牢記心.
無法接受, 無法承受. 一切都已成事實."
" 万箭刺心痛, 伤心也无用. 伤口无法复, 潦倒过一生. "
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